Developing Authentic Leadership in The Workplace

Dec 1, 2023

Aligning Values and Actions Through Leadership Coaching

Authentic leadership is a concept that has gained significant traction in leadership and management. It centers on being true to oneself, leading with integrity, and aligning one’s actions with their values and beliefs. In a world that increasingly values transparency and authenticity, authentic leadership has become more essential than ever. 

When leaders align their values with their actions, the effects reverberate throughout the organization. Employees are more likely to trust and respect their leader, fostering a positive work environment. This trust translates into increased employee engagement, higher job satisfaction, and improved productivity. Let’s delve into what authentic leadership entails, and how leadership coaching is a valuable tool for aligning your values and your actions. 

5 Qualities of an Authentic Leader

Authentic leadership involves being genuine, self-aware, and transparent in one’s actions and interactions. It goes beyond just being in a position of authority; it’s about the qualities and behaviors that make a leader truly influential and trustworthy. Here are some key characteristics of authentic leadership:

1. Self-awareness: Authentic leaders are acutely aware of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. They understand how their actions impact those around them and the organization they lead.

2. Transparency: Transparency is a hallmark of authentic leadership. Leaders are open and honest in their communications, providing clear information and setting realistic expectations.

3. Consistency: Authentic leaders strive to align their actions with their values consistently. They do what they say they will do, promoting trust and reliability.

4. Empathy: Understanding and relating to the emotions and experiences of others is crucial for authentic leaders. They foster a sense of belonging and mutual respect within their teams.

5. Adaptability: Authentic leaders are willing to evolve and adapt to new circumstances, learning from their experiences and integrating feedback.

Steps to Develop Authentic Leadership

Now that we’ve outlined the essential characteristics of authentic leadership, let’s explore actionable steps to develop and enhance authentic leadership qualities:

1. Reflect on Your Values: Take time to identify and understand your core values. What principles matter most to you? Align your actions with these values to ensure congruence between your beliefs and behavior.

2. Be Transparent and Honest: Open and clear communication is key. Always be honest with your team and colleagues, especially when facing challenging situations. Admit mistakes, share your thought process, and involve others in decision-making when appropriate.

3. Seek Feedback and Learn from It: Actively solicit feedback from your team, peers, and supervisors. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. Demonstrating a willingness to learn and grow reinforces your authenticity.

4. Empower Others: Encourage and empower your team members to express their opinions, ideas, and concerns openly. Foster an environment where everyone feels valued and heard, regardless of their position within the organization.

5. Lead by Example: Model the behavior and values you wish to see in your team. Your actions should align with the standards and principles you’ve established. This consistency will reinforce trust and credibility.

6. Be Adaptable: Embrace change and be open to new experiences. Authentic leaders are willing to adapt and evolve in response to evolving circumstances and emerging insights.

7. Invest in Self-Development: Continuously invest in your personal and professional growth. Take courses, attend workshops, read books, and engage in activities that enhance your knowledge, skills, and self-awareness.

8. Invest in Leadership Coaching: Leaders at every level of the organization can unlock self-imposed barriers and build on what they already do well to propel into the future with a leadership coach. Coaches provide unbiased guidance in a safe, confidential space to help navigate challenges and build solutions that benefit the entire organization.

Leadership Coaching Is a Powerful Tool

Leadership coaching is a powerful tool that can help leaders align their values and actions, enabling them to develop authentic and impactful leadership styles. Authentic leadership is characterized by a genuine alignment between a leader’s values, beliefs, and behaviors, resulting in increased trust, engagement, and overall organizational success. Here’s how leadership coaching can aid in this alignment:

  • Self-awareness and Values Exploration: Leadership coaching often begins with a deep dive into a leader’s values, beliefs, and personal vision. Coaches facilitate introspective exercises and discussions that help leaders articulate their core values, enabling them to understand what matters most to them on a fundamental level.
  • Identifying Values-Action Gaps: Through guided reflection and feedback, coaches assist leaders in identifying any gaps between their stated values and their actions. This process sheds light on instances where a leader’s behaviors might not align with their professed values, allowing for targeted efforts to bridge these gaps.
  • Creating Alignment Strategies: Coaches collaborate with leaders to develop strategies and action plans that align their values with tangible actions. These strategies may include setting clear goals, establishing accountability mechanisms, and implementing regular reflection practices to ensure consistency in behavior that resonates with their core values.
  • Accountability and Feedback: Coaches provide a structured environment for leaders to be held accountable for their actions and progress toward alignment. They offer constructive feedback, challenging leaders to reflect on their decisions and behaviors in the context of their stated values, promoting continuous growth and development.
  • Role Modeling and Authenticity: Coaches encourage leaders to model authenticity by demonstrating their values in daily interactions and decision-making. Leaders who lead by example and embody their values authentically inspire their teams to embrace the organization’s values, fostering a culture of authenticity.
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Development: Leadership coaching often includes exercises to enhance empathy and emotional intelligence, enabling leaders to understand the perspectives and experiences of their team members. Leaders who are empathetic and emotionally intelligent can align their actions with their values while considering the needs and values of others.
  • Feedback from Team and Stakeholders: Coaches can facilitate feedback sessions where leaders receive input from their team and stakeholders regarding how well their actions align with the organization’s values. This external perspective can provide valuable insights and help leaders make necessary adjustments.
  • Continuous Reflection and Growth: Leadership coaching encourages an ongoing process of reflection and growth. Leaders are supported in regularly assessing their alignment between values and actions, making adjustments, and committing to continual improvement in their leadership journey.

Leadership coaching offers a structured and supportive approach to help leaders recognize, understand, and align their values and actions, ultimately enabling them to develop authentic leadership that positively impacts both their teams and their organizations.

Authentic leadership isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being genuine and true to oneself. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, and aligning your actions with your values. By embracing authentic leadership, not only do you become a more effective leader, but you also contribute to creating a workplace culture based on trust, transparency, and empathy.

Together with your EDGES™ coach, the first step is to determine where you are today, where you need to get to, and the obstacles or constraints in the way. You’ll receive monthly coaching targeted toward your objectives with our experiential and innovative skills builders. Sessions focus deeply on your growth to improve results within your scope of work.  Visit our website to get started.