Growing Teamwork in Your Organization

Aug 29, 2023

The Relationship Between Outstanding Leadership and Extraordinary Teams

The value of teamwork in the workplace cannot be overstated, and it is often the hallmark of extraordinary teams. Teamwork is a structured approach to working together with others, allowing individuals to combine their unique abilities and strengths in order to achieve a common goal. A crucial factor that fosters successful teamwork is outstanding leadership. When exceptional leadership is present, it creates an environment where individuals can collaborate, communicate effectively, and contribute their unique skills and perspectives to achieve shared goals.

The relationship between outstanding leadership and extraordinary teams is reciprocal. Extraordinary teams thrive under the guidance of exceptional leaders, while outstanding leadership is further strengthened by the collective effort and collaboration of an extraordinary team. This symbiotic relationship fosters a culture of high performance, continuous improvement, and innovation. By understanding the importance of teamwork and its role in achieving success, organizations can ensure that their entire team is ready to take on any challenge. Let’s take a look at 6 elements that are key to this relationship between an outstanding leader and an extraordinary team. 

Clear Vision and Mission

Outstanding leaders play a pivotal role in shaping and nurturing extraordinary teams by establishing a clear vision and mission that inspire team members and provide a sense of purpose and direction. By effectively communicating this vision, leaders align individual efforts towards a collective goal, fostering unity and synergy within the team.

While the organizational mission statement is focused on the more tactical aspects of the company and provides a clear and effective guide for making decisions, the vision statement is focused on the future of the organization. It ensures that all decisions made are properly aligned with what it hopes to achieve. The vision is the direction in which the company aims to go. The mission and vision work together to create the organizational strategy for the business.  

The Critical Roles of the Mission and Vision Statements

  1. They communicate the purpose of the organization to stakeholders. 
  2. They inform strategy development within the organization. 
  3. They develop measurable goals and objectives which can be used to gauge the success of the organization’s strategy.  
  4. They help properly align the resources of an organization toward achieving a successful future.  
  5. They give all stakeholders the right mindset to grow the business.  
  6. They provide a focal point that aligns everyone within the organization.  This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization.
  7. They create a target for strategy development. 

Empower team members

Exceptional leaders empower team members by creating an inclusive and psychologically safe environment. They encourage open dialogue, respect diverse opinions, and value each team member’s contributions. By fostering an atmosphere of trust and respect, leaders create a platform for collaboration and cooperation, where individuals feel comfortable sharing ideas, taking risks, and working towards shared success.

Empowering involves giving your team members the autonomy and authority to make decisions and take action on their own. This can be particularly effective in situations where you have a team member who is experienced and capable, or where you want to foster a sense of ownership and engagement among your team. By empowering employees, leaders can increase motivation, improve creativity, facilitate better decision making, increase productivity, and build stronger teams. Ultimately, this can help to improve the success and sustainability of the organization.


Outstanding leaders also recognize the strengths and potential of team members, encouraging their growth and development. They provide guidance, mentorship, and support, helping individuals unlock their full potential and excel in their roles. This investment in the personal and professional growth of team members not only benefits individuals but also enhances the overall capability and performance of the team.

Coaching with a strengths-based approach helps identify the individual strengths of each team member and builds upon those strengths for the benefit of the individual, as well as the entire team. This approach comes from positive psychology and focuses people on the positive aspects of their personalities which bring them to life and energize them. When employees are happy and feel a sense of belonging, productivity, and performance improve. Organizations that engage in strengths-based coaching with teams and/or individuals feel empowered and can show profound growth, both personally and professionally.  

Lead by Example

Additionally, exceptional leaders lead by example. They demonstrate strong work ethics, professionalism, and integrity, setting the standards for behavior and performance. Through their actions, leaders inspire team members to adopt similar values and work with a sense of commitment, dedication, and accountability.

Leaders must lead with passion and enthusiasm in order to keep workplace morale high. They must be able to make people feel like they are part of the solution and use their collaborative skills to shape the dynamic circumstances that impact organizations in today’s changing environment.

Collaboration and Communication 

In an environment where teamwork is valued and exceptional leadership is present, teams can leverage the diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences of their members. Collaboration becomes a catalyst for creativity, problem-solving, and breakthrough results. Team members are motivated to support one another, share knowledge, and work together to overcome challenges and achieve success.

Communication is a critical component of everything we do in the workplace. Whether you are collaborating with teams, delegating to coworkers, or sharing reports and progress, effective communication has a profound influence on the culture and productivity of your organization. Individuals must be connected in order to thrive in the workplace.  Connection keeps people engaged in their work and gives them a sense of belonging.  Staying connected allows for the exchange of ideas, the building of relationships, and the strengthening of the organization.  

Innovative Solutions

The value of teamwork is also evident in the ability to harness collective intelligence. Extraordinary teams excel at tapping into the diverse talents and expertise of their members, leveraging their combined strengths to find innovative solutions and make informed decisions.  Innovation refers to the process of creating, developing, and implementing new ideas, concepts, products, services, or processes that bring about significant improvement, change, or advancement. It involves the application of creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to explore and generate novel solutions to address existing challenges or to meet new needs and demands.

In this era of constant change, the ability to drive innovation in the workplace is the mark of successful leaders. The rapidly evolving business landscape, fueled by technological advancements and shifting market demands, calls for leaders who can navigate uncertainty and proactively adapt to new opportunities. Innovation has become a critical component for organizations seeking to stay competitive and relevant, and leaders who can foster a culture of innovation are invaluable assets.

The relationship between outstanding leadership and extraordinary teams is a powerful combination that fuels organizational growth, resilience, and success. When all these qualities come together, you have a great team that can take on any challenge with confidence.

EDGES™, Inc. offers strengths-based coaching and leadership development for C-Suite Executives, Vice Presidents, Directors, Managers, and Team Leads. EDGES™ coaching is strengths-based with the goal to align the Executive/Leader to their role in ways that maximize and build on their strengths. All tools are offered to support the leader’s day-to-day role and their ability to manage their team. EDGES™ has evolved to be a resource for growing companies to help their leaders grow their people, plan collaboratively and drive innovation in the workplace. Visit our website for more information on growing teamwork in your organization.